
The DigiPen 图书馆 (also called the Learning Resource Center) aims to provide high-quality learning materials to support the Institute’s curriculum, 学生, 和老师. 学生 have access to a variety of resources such as books, 电子书, dvd, 棋盘游戏, 视频游戏, and reference books relevant to their programs of study. The library also subscribes to a selection of major journals and magazines related to the fields of 视频游戏, 模拟, computer engineering, 和动画.

The library currently holds more than 5,000本书, 超过175,000电子书, / (1,000 videos and 视频游戏, and issues of 30 different magazines (print and electronic), with access to many more available in online databases. The library also loans out video game consoles, 相机, 摄像机, 麦克风, and other A/V equipment. The librarian provides reference services, information literacy instruction, and materials through interlibrary loan. In addition to these curriculum-related resources, the library has a collection of career-oriented materials, including books on resumes, 求职信, 和访谈. The library also hosts a free book and textbook exchange; contact the librarian for more details.



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