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DigiPen’s campus is a vibrant and inclusive community where student-centric, student-led groups can organize fun and intellectually stimulating activities throughout the year. Student organizations and engagement opportunities make for a great way to meet people, 探索新的兴趣, or develop valuable leadership skills while providing balance to your work and study life. With the resources found here, you may even be inspired to st艺术 a group or organization of your own!

  • Clubs and Student Organizations

    Several student groups meet on campus to enjoy shared interests in academics, 艺术, 科学, 游戏, 和更多的. Student organizers may coordinate with Student Affairs to arrange for meeting places, 事件, and other club activities.

  • ”+资源

    DigiPen has developed several on-campus 事件, 俱乐部, and facilities with the mission of fostering an inclusive environment for the LGBTQ+ community. Some of these programs are outlined here, as well as links for many local and national LGBTQ+ student resources.

  • 学生就业 and Volunteer Opportunities

    学生 interested in broadening their work experience prior to graduation have plenty of on-campus employment opportunities to choose from. 每年, DigiPen hires students in roles that help develop the leadership and communication skills that employers look for in well-rounded candidates.